Treatments Provided
Prosthodontic Consult
A consult with a Prosthodontist is the first step to see if we can help you with your dental problems. A consult is an absolute necessity to allow the dentist to properly diagnose and customise a treatment plan for each patient. At your consult appointment a history will be taken, problems assessed and discussed and an initial plan to proceed will be formulated.
Dental and Implant Complications
Often patients have seen other dentists before and things have gone wrong or the patient is not happy with the result. As such, they experience complex problems and the solutions available to fix them require a high level of planning and skill. Dr. Thomas Giblin is happy to consult with patients and give honest opinions and alternative treatments to help the patient on their way to better oral health.
Second Opinion
Dr. Thomas Giblin is happy to provide second opinions – please send us an email detailing your problem and any relevant xrays if possible, and the questions you would like answered. An appointment may be requested if further information is required.